ايجاد طرح درس با طبقه بندي بلوم- فرم كوتاه
نكته: لازم است به جاي عبارت داخل <>، عنوان درس مورد نظر خود را بنويسيد.
Write learning objectives for a <course subject> course at the remembering level of Bloom’s Taxonomy using verbs like Cite, Define, Describe, Draw, Enumerate, Identify, Index, Indicate,Label, List, Match, Meet, Name, Outline, Point, Quote, Read, Recall, Recite,Recognize, Record, Repeat, Reproduce, Review, Select, State, Study, Tabulate,Trace, Write
براي طراحي طرح درس بر اساس مدل بلوم، ميتوان به شكل دقيق تري، پرامپت آن را نوشت؛ در ادامه فرم دقيق اين پرامپت آمده است، در اين دستور نيز لازم است به جاي عبارتي كه داخل علامت <> نوشته شده، عنوان درس مورد نظر خودتان را بنويسيد:
Write learning objectives for a <course subject> course at the remembering level of Bloom’s Taxonomy using verbs like Cite, Define, Describe, Draw, Enumerate, Identify, Index, Indicate, Label, List, Match, Meet, Name, Outline, Point, Quote, Read, Recall, Recite, Recognize, Record, Repeat, Reproduce, Review, Select, State, Study, Tabulate, Trace, Write Write learning objectives for a <course subject> course at the understanding level of Bloom’s Taxonomy using verbs like Add, Approximate, Articulate, Associate, Characterize, Clarify, Classify, Compare, Compute, Contrast, Convert, Defend, Describe, Detail, Differentiate, Discuss, Distinguish, Elaborate, Estimate, Example, Explain, Express, Extend, Extrapolate, Factor, Generalize, Give, Infer, Interact, Interpolate, Interpret, Observe, Paraphrase, Picture graphically, Predict, Review, Rewrite, Subtract, Summarize, Translate, Visualize Write learning objectives for a <course subject> course at the applying level of Bloom’s Taxonomy using verbs like Acquire, Adapt, Allocate, Alphabetize, Apply, Ascertain, Assign, Attain, Avoid, Back up, Calculate, Capture, Change, Classify, Complete, Compute, Construct, Customize, Demonstrate, Depreciate, Derive, Determine, Diminish, Discover, Draw, Employ, Examine, Exercise, Explore, Expose, Express, Factor, Figure, Graph, Handle, Illustrate, Investigate, Manipulate, Modify, Operate, Personalize, Plot, Practice, Predict, Prepare, Price, Process, Produce, Project, Provide, Relate, Round off, Sequence, Show, Simulate, Sketch, Solve, Subscribe, Tabulate, Transcribe, Translate, Use Write learning objectives for a <course subject> course at the analyzing level of Bloom’s Taxonomy using verbs like Analyze, Audit, Blueprint, Breadboard, Break down, Characterize, Classify, Compare, Confirm, Contrast, Correlate, Detect, Diagnose, Diagram, Differentiate, Discriminate, Dissect, Distinguish, Document, Ensure, Examine, Explain, Explore, Figure out, File, Group, Identify, Illustrate, Infer, Interrupt, Inventory, Investigate, Layout, Manage, Maximize, Minimize, Optimize, Order, Outline, Point out, Prioritize, Proofread, Query, Relate, Select, Separate, Subdivide, Train, Transform Write learning objectives for a course at the evaluating level of Bloom’s Taxonomy using verbs like Appraise, Assess, Compare, Conclude, Contrast, Counsel, Criticize, Critique, Defend, Determine, Discriminate, Estimate, Evaluate, Explain, Grade, Hire, Interpret, Judge, Justify, Measure, Predict, Prescribe, Rank, Rate, Recommend, Release, Select, Summarize, Support, Test, Validate, Verify Write learning objectives for a course at the creating level of Bloom’s Taxonomy using verbs like Abstract, Animate, Arrange, Assemble, Budget, Categorize, Code, Combine, Compile, Compose, Construct, Cope, Correspond, Create, Cultivate, Debug, Depict, Design, Develop, Devise, Dictate, Enhance, Explain, Facilitate, Format, Formulate, Generalize, Generate, Handle, Import, Improve, Incorporate, Integrate, Interface, Join, Lecture, Model, Modify, Network, Organize, Outline, Overhaul, Plan, Portray, Prepare, Prescribe, Produce, Program, Rearrange, Reconstruct, Relate, Reorganize, Revise, Rewrite, Specify, Summarize
طراحي فعاليت كلاسي
یک فعالیت کلاسی بنویسید که به دانشآموزان کمک کند تا چالشهای درس <….> را بهتر درک کنند. (به جاي <…> عنوان درس را بنويسيد.
Write a classroom activity that would help to students better understand the challenges for <…> course
طراحي سوالات يخ شكن
What are some icebreaker questions one could use for a school-level course?
طراحي فعاليتهاي يخ شكن
What are some icebreaker activities one could use for a school-level course?
ايده هايي براي شروع كلاس
What are some interesting or novel ways to begin a class?
بازخورد درباره متن انشا
Provide grading feedback on <essay>
خلاصه كردن مقاله، مثلا در سطح كلاس پنجم
Summarize this article at a 5th grade level <article>
توليد متنهاي مدليب
Create a <subject> Madlib story